Prof Danilo Rothberg was invited to participate in a seminar organised at the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies, in Brasília, on 24 August 2023. The event marked the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the public service network TV Camara, responsible for broadcasting the activities of the Chamber. Professor Rothberg presented a paper titled “How can television fight misinformation in Health and Politics?”, which included preliminary results from the PANCOPOP project on the consumption and credibility of public service media during the pandemic period, and its role in fighting disinformation. The content presented at the seminar will be published in an edited book to be released by the Chamber later this year.
The full seminar session is available here. Rothberg’s presentation starts at 01:56, in Portuguese, with English subtitles.
A detailed news report covering the event and some of the findings was published in the UNESP journal (in Portuguese):