
Prof. Daniel Hallin made a presentation at the University of Miami on Health Crisis Communication and Populism 

Prof. Daniel Hallin made a presentation at the University of Miami, at a colloquium sponsored by the School of Communication and the Hanley Democracy Center, titled “Pandemic and Populism:  Health Crisis Communication in an Age of Populism.”  Prof. Hallin’s presentation, focused mainly on the U.S. case, outlined the general challenges facing public health officials and public officials […]


Prof D. Rothberg and P. Ferracioli present at the Brazilian Congress of Journalism Research

PANCOPOP team members Danilo Rothberg and Paulo Ferracioli presented the paper “Challenges of journalism research on populism and credibility” at the Brazilian Congress of Journalism Research, which took place in November 2022 in Fortaleza, north-eastern Brazil. Based on an in-depth literature review on populism and credibility, the paper proposed five research questions that might inform […]


Team members Prof B. Klimkiewicz and Dr K. Vanevska present at the conference “Audiovisual Media Regulation during the COVID-19 in Central and Eastern Europe”

Our two team members, Prof Beata Klimkiewicz and Dr Katarzyna Vanevska, presented a conference paper titled Pandemic communication in Poland: A media policy perspective at the conference “Audiovisual Media Regulation during the COVID-19 in Central and Eastern Europe”. The conference was organised by Eötvös Loránd niversity and the University of Bucharest, and took place online on 30th September.  […]


PANCOPOP Proceeds with Strands 1&2

The PANCOPOP team has started working on strands 1 & 2.  The former, Strand 1 Health Crisis Communication, maps government-led pandemic crisis communication processes in each country and examines the ways in which they were affected by populism. By mapping the core pandemic communication developments and conducting qualitative interviews in four countries (Brazil, Poland, Serbia, […]


First Advisory Board & Stakeholder Meeting!

The first virtual Advisory Board (AB) & Stakeholder meeting for the PANCOPOP project took place on 04 July 2022. Attended by a number of the AB members, Partner Representatives as well as the project team, the meeting focused on discussing the progress of and future plans for Strands 1 and 2. Strand 1 Health Crisis […]


Researchers Recruited to Join the PANCOPOP Team

We are very excited to announce that we’ve recruited six researchers to join the team. We invite you to meet them! Nithyanand Rao is a PhD student in the Department of Communication and the Science Studies Program at UC San Diego. He is working with Professor Dan Hallin on Strand 1: Health Crisis Communication.  Katarzyna […]